Which Content Pieces Resonate Exceptionally Well With Audiences?

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    Which Content Pieces Resonate Exceptionally Well With Audiences?

    We've gathered insights from Founders to Marketing Directors, asking them to share the pieces of content that struck a chord with their audience. From a blog post on high-ticket coaching niches to a sommelier's take on wine preferences that increased engagement, explore the diverse and resonant content strategies in our compilation of thirteen answers.

    • High-Ticket Coaching Niches Blog Success
    • Successful Email Campaign on Video Distribution
    • Impactful Stats Page on Industry Data
    • Personal Trauma Article Spurs Discussion
    • Authentic Blog Post on Writer's Block
    • Insightful Article on eLearning Future Trends
    • Evergreen Content Strategy Blog Post
    • Emotional Connection in Jewelry Blog
    • Addressing Wills for Young Adults
    • Email Deliverability Guide for Marketers
    • Song '11:11' Resonates with Young Fans
    • Video of Hazardous Tree Removal
    • Wine Preferences Engagement Increases Visibility

    High-Ticket Coaching Niches Blog Success

    One of my best-performing blog posts ever is about high-ticket life coaching niches and the exact steps to picking a profitable niche. It has over 150k views. Why was it so successful? A few reasons: one, it's incredibly thorough. In other words, people can find the answers to their questions in my article instead of having to keep going back to the search results. Two, I offer actionable information that my audience can immediately apply. And three, my article is much more credible than some other articles because I'm an eight-figure coach myself. So, my advice: To create content that resonates, offer more than what's out there, make it actionable, and use your expertise to set yourself apart.

    Luisa Zhou
    Luisa ZhouFounder, LuisaZhou.com

    Successful Email Campaign on Video Distribution

    I've been in digital marketing for 15+ years and recently experienced a top-10 most successful email campaign. The outcome wasn't random. It came from lots of trial and error and A/B testing.

    We recently sent an email with a link to a post on video content distribution. It reached our opt-in database of customers and prospective customers, and in terms of opens and clicks, it was the most successful outbound email this year.

    Here's my hypothesis on why it was successful:

    1. We wrote the piece after surveying customers' top content preferences. One top ask was how to distribute videos to reach a larger audience, so we focused on aligning viewers' needs with various marketing channels.

    2. We tested a variety of subject lines and preview text versions to ensure we concisely explained the email's topic and the types of outcomes readers could expect.

    3. We designed a compelling feature image that helped explain what to expect from the blog post.

    4. We included links to other relevant articles to provide different options to click.

    5. It's silly, but we've found from our A/B testing that emojis used sparingly help. I can't tell you why, but they do. :)

    Tim Ryan
    Tim RyanHead of Marketing

    Impactful Stats Page on Industry Data

    One piece of content I created that really hit home with my audience was a detailed stats page on our website. I think it was successful because it packed in a lot of valuable data that our visitors were looking for but couldn't easily find elsewhere.

    I made sure to include a mix of the latest industry stats, historical data comparisons, and predictive trends, all laid out in clear, easy-to-read graphs and charts. This approach helped our audience not just stay informed but also make more educated decisions based on trends. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many users telling us how much they appreciated having such comprehensive information in one place. This told me we nailed it by providing real value that met the specific needs of our visitors.

    Patrick Beltran
    Patrick BeltranMarketing Director, Ardoz Digital

    Personal Trauma Article Spurs Discussion

    One piece of content that resonated exceptionally well with my audience was an in-depth article I wrote on the distinctions between Big T and little t trauma, and how these different forms of trauma have impacted my life. This article sparked a lot of discussion and comments, which I believe is due to a few key reasons.

    First, the topic itself—trauma in its various forms—is something many people can relate to, even if they don't always recognize it in their own lives. By breaking down the concept of Big T versus little t trauma, I provided a framework that helped readers understand their own experiences in a new light. This made the content highly relatable and personal, allowing readers to connect deeply with the material.

    Second, the personal narrative woven throughout the article added an authentic, vulnerable touch that resonated with readers. By sharing my own experiences of both Big T and little t traumas—from childhood neglect and abuse to adult challenges like bullying and relational trauma—I was able to create a space where others felt seen and validated in their own struggles. My openness likely encouraged readers to share their own stories, leading to a high level of engagement.

    Finally, the article offered not just a recounting of trauma, but also insights into resilience and healing. I discussed the importance of recognizing both types of trauma and the need for trauma-informed care, which likely provided hope and practical guidance to those grappling with similar issues. The combination of relatability, personal storytelling, and actionable advice made the article particularly impactful, driving its success among my audience.

    Danielle Dahl
    Danielle DahlCo-Founder, Resilient Stories

    Authentic Blog Post on Writer's Block

    One piece of content that resonated exceptionally well was a blog post titled "Overcoming Writer's Block: Real Tips from Real Writers." I think it succeeded because it was authentic and relatable. I interviewed various writers who shared their personal struggles and practical solutions. The post spoke directly to the pain points of our audience, offering genuine advice rather than generic tips. It also invited readers to share their own experiences in the comments, creating a sense of community. The authenticity and engagement made it one of our most popular and widely shared posts.

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediCMO, Write Right

    Insightful Article on eLearning Future Trends

    One piece of content that truly resonated with our audience was an article titled "The Future of eLearning: Trends to Watch in the Next Decade." I authored this piece to tap into the excitement and curiosity surrounding the rapid evolution of eLearning. It wasn’t just about predicting trends but sparking a conversation on where the industry is headed and how professionals can adapt and thrive.

    This article's success came from its blend of forward-thinking insights and actionable advice. Readers appreciated the practical steps they could take to prepare for these changes while also feeling inspired by the possibilities ahead. It struck a chord because it addressed both the challenges and the opportunities, providing a roadmap that was as motivating as it was informative.

    Christopher Pappas
    Christopher PappasFounder, eLearning Industry Inc

    Evergreen Content Strategy Blog Post

    One piece of content that truly resonated with our audience was a blog post on "Maximizing the Power of Evergreen Content." It struck a chord because it addressed a key challenge many content creators face: sustaining engagement over time without constantly producing new content. The blog offered actionable strategies that we personally implemented at RecurPost, like repurposing and recycling high-performing posts to maintain relevance and drive ongoing traffic.

    The authenticity of this post was the main reason for its success. We shared our own experiences and the results we achieved, which helped establish trust and credibility with our readers. By demonstrating how evergreen content can be a long-term asset, we provided value that our audience could immediately relate to and apply in their own strategies. This connection made the content particularly impactful and well-received.

    Dinesh Agarwal
    Dinesh AgarwalFounder, CEO, RecurPost

    Emotional Connection in Jewelry Blog

    One piece of content that resonated exceptionally well with our audience was a blog post titled "The Hidden Meaning Behind Your Favorite Jewelry Pieces." This post delved into the symbolism and emotional significance of different types of jewelry, from birthstones to engravings, and how these elements can reflect personal stories and values.

    The reason for its success was twofold. First, it tapped into the emotional connection people have with jewelry, which is often more than just a fashion statement. By exploring the deeper meaning behind the pieces, we were able to engage readers on a personal level. Second, the post was highly shareable. Readers who found meaning in their own jewelry pieces were eager to share the content with friends and family, which significantly expanded its reach.

    Additionally, the content was well-researched and visually appealing, with high-quality images that complemented the narrative. This combination of emotional resonance, shareability, and visual appeal made the blog post one of our most successful pieces, driving significant traffic to our site and deepening our relationship with our audience.

    Aviad Faruz
    Aviad FaruzCEO, FARUZO

    Addressing Wills for Young Adults

    The most common misconception about wills is that they're only relevant for the elderly. This couldn't be further from the truth. Young adults, in particular, usually overlook the importance of estate planning. To address this, we created a blog post with the title "Why You Need a Will in Your Twenties."

    The post resonated incredibly well because it spoke directly to a demographic that often feels invincible. We used relatable scenarios, such as accidents, illnesses, or unexpected life events, to illustrate the potential consequences of not having a will. We also underscored the peace of mind that comes with having your affairs in order, no matter your age. By portraying estate planning as a proactive measure for securing one's future rather than a morbid reflection on death, we successfully engaged a younger audience and motivated them to take charge of their financial and legal matters.

    Oliver Morrisey
    Oliver MorriseyOwner, Director, Empower Wills & Estate Lawyers

    Email Deliverability Guide for Marketers

    One piece of content that's currently resonating exceptionally well with my audience is the "Email Deliverability Guide" on Campaign Cleaner. This guide addresses a crucial pain point for marketers and ESPs by helping them understand and improve their email deliverability. It's packed with comprehensive, actionable insights that are easy to implement, making it a practical resource for anyone looking to boost their email performance.

    The guide's success can be attributed to its relevance and clear communication style. By breaking down complex topics into easily digestible information, it makes a challenging subject accessible and immediately useful. The positive response highlights the value of providing practical, relevant content that speaks directly to the needs of the audience.

    Henry Timmes
    Henry TimmesCEO, Campaign Cleaner

    Song '11:11' Resonates with Young Fans

    On February 11, 2022, my artist Jessica and I released a song titled '11:11.' Currently, the song has over 300,000 streams. I believe this song resonated exceptionally well with her fanbase, as it still continues to receive an overwhelming amount of positive feedback. Not only is the song catchy and well-produced, but the message behind it also struck a chord with listeners. The concept of making a wish at 11:11 and manifesting one's desires spoke to many young individuals who follow Jessica's music.

    Additionally, the song was promoted heavily on social media, where fans could easily tag me and share their love for the track. This created a sense of community and hype around the release, leading to its success. Overall, I believe that creating quality content with a relatable message and utilizing social media effectively were key factors in this song resonating exceptionally well with our audience.

    Corey Walles
    Corey WallesMusic Producer, SoundsLikeCorey

    Video of Hazardous Tree Removal

    One of the most impactful pieces of content we created was a video showcasing the careful and precise removal of a large, hazardous tree from a residential property. It resonated exceptionally well with our audience because it highlighted the skill and safety measures we prioritize, which reassured homeowners about the complexity and safety of such jobs. The success of the content was driven by its ability to visually communicate our expertise and commitment to customer safety, which are top concerns for anyone needing tree services. The positive feedback and shares we received showed us how much our audience values transparency and professionalism in our work.

    Amaury Ponce
    Amaury PonceBusiness Owner, Ponce Tree Services

    Wine Preferences Engagement Increases Visibility

    At Joie de Vin, we represent historic wineries, conduct wine dinners, and manage a customizable wine club. Last year, we asked our followers to comment on their favorite variety of wine—and where they love to drink it. Dozens of followers, and friends of followers, chimed in and expressed themselves with many creative scenarios! By engaging people and asking their opinion, we increased eyeballs on our post and page. Typically, most people tell facts, share sale info, or pontificate—as opposed to soliciting ideas and opinions. Yet, simply telling does not create much buzz or engagement.

    Peggy DeanSommelier, Joie de Vin