What’s a Creative Angle You’ve Pitched That Resulted in a High-Impact Story?

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    What’s a Creative Angle You’ve Pitched That Resulted in a High-Impact Story?

    In the quest for media attention, CEOs and marketing heads have shared their most creative pitches that turned into high-impact stories. From spotlighting the human side of technology to revealing surprising insights on shoplifting through survey data, explore the six inventive angles that captured journalists' attention and amplified their brand narratives.

    • Spotlighting Human Side of Tech
    • Daring Journalists to Try Tongue Readings
    • AI Predicts Digital Marketing Trends
    • Tech Enhances Remote Learning in Schools
    • Teen Entrepreneur's Success Story
    • Survey Data Reveals Shoplifting Insights

    Spotlighting Human Side of Tech

    One creative pitch that particularly resonated with journalists involved showcasing the human side of tech through our initiative called "Tech Heroes Among Us." We spotlighted stories of our clients using digital marketing tools in unique and impactful ways, such as small businesses pivoting during the pandemic or nonprofits increasing their reach. By focusing on the personal, real-world applications of technology rather than just the technical aspects, we offered journalists a fresh angle that connected technology to everyday triumphs and challenges. This approach not only attracted media attention but also humanized our brand and reinforced the practical value of our services, resulting in a series of featured articles in major industry publications.

    Vaibhav Kakkar
    Vaibhav KakkarCEO, Digital Web Solutions

    Daring Journalists to Try Tongue Readings

    Our client is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, and we pitched offering journalists complimentary tongue readings if they were daring enough to share their results with their readers.

    This resulted in several interviews, including one with the Daily Mirror, which we then showcased on social media with one-click automation to DIY tongue-reading lead magnets and $99 anonymous tongue readings, resulting in email sign-ups and bookings.

    Sometimes, you need to offer something 'weird' or personal to get attention. Our subject line was, 'What does your tongue say about your health?'

    Lauren Howell
    Lauren HowellPublicist, Put Into Words

    AI Predicts Digital Marketing Trends

    We leveraged the angle of "Digital Marketing Predictions by a Machine-Learning Model." We created a story around how our proprietary AI analyzed trends and predicted the future of digital marketing strategies. This not only piqued the interest of tech and business journalists looking for cutting-edge content but also positioned our brand at the forefront of integrating AI with digital marketing. The coverage we received significantly boosted our brand's visibility and underscored our innovative approach, leading to increased inquiries and client interest. This strategy proved effective in distinguishing our content in a crowded market, providing a unique narrative that was both informative and engaging.

    Sahil Kakkar
    Sahil KakkarCEO & Founder, RankWatch

    Tech Enhances Remote Learning in Schools

    Pitching the story of how CrownTV helped local schools integrate technology to enhance remote learning during the pandemic resonated well with journalists. Framing it as a community-impact story highlighted our brand's commitment to education and innovation. This angle not only garnered significant media coverage but also positioned CrownTV as a socially responsible and forward-thinking company, boosting our reputation and attracting new customers who valued our community involvement.

    Alex Taylor
    Alex TaylorHead of Marketing, CrownTV

    Teen Entrepreneur's Success Story

    To get featured on Yahoo Finance, I pitched a compelling story about myself—a 16-year-old kid who dramatically grew his own company. This narrative highlighted my unique challenges and remarkable achievements, emphasizing how my innovative approach not only advanced our business but also made significant waves in our industry. This story resonated because it illustrated the intersection of youthful vigor and entrepreneurial success, making it an inspiring feature for Yahoo Finance's audience interested in groundbreaking business stories led by young entrepreneurs.

    Sam Kadel
    Sam KadelFounder, KBA Web

    Survey Data Reveals Shoplifting Insights

    I recently implemented an innovative angle to pitch a compelling and high-impact story about custom survey data to journalists. This effort went very well and resulted in several mentions of my brand among journalists, improving my online visibility.

    The survey and the associated story were about shoplifting statistics and demographics in the United States. The responses and data revealed some exciting and slightly shocking findings, making it an excellent topic for journalists to cover on their sites since they seek to include click-worthy and in-depth content that resonates with their readers.

    A key factor to keep in mind is that the story should be straightforward for journalists to write about. If a story is too confusing or dry, few platforms will take the time to write about it, which is not what you want if your goal is to boost PR for your brand.

    Aaron Winston
    Aaron WinstonStrategy Director, Express Legal Funding