What Techniques Do You Find Effective for Amplifying Earned Media On Social Channels?

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    What Techniques Do You Find Effective for Amplifying Earned Media On Social Channels?

    Seeking to enhance your earned media's impact on social channels, we've gathered seven strategies from top CEOs and marketing experts. From leveraging influencer partnerships to the power of cross-platform sharing, discover how these professionals amplify their messages effectively.

    • Leverage Influencer Partnerships
    • Create Shareable Visual Content
    • Generate Micro-Content for Socials
    • Boost Earned Media with Influencer Engagement
    • Amplify Through User-Generated Content
    • Transform Sound Bites into Visual Assets
    • Cross-Platform Sharing Builds Authority

    Leverage Influencer Partnerships

    One technique we've found highly effective for amplifying our earned media through social channels is leveraging influencer partnerships. Our digital marketing company collaborates with industry influencers who share our earned media content, such as press releases or featured articles, with their followers. This not only expands our reach but also adds credibility to our message.

    For example, when we launched a new service, an influencer in our niche shared our press release on their social media channels. This resulted in a significant spike in engagement and website traffic. The key is to build genuine relationships with influencers whose audience aligns with our target market, ensuring that the amplification feels authentic and resonates well with their followers.

    Vaibhav Kakkar
    Vaibhav KakkarCEO, Digital Web Solutions

    Create Shareable Visual Content

    We've found that creating engaging, shareable visuals is a powerful technique for amplifying earned media through social channels. When our digital marketing company is featured in an article or receives a notable mention, we design eye-catching graphics or short video snippets highlighting the key points.

    Recently, we were mentioned in a major industry publication. Instead of just sharing the link, we created a compelling infographic summarizing the article's insights and shared it across our social media platforms. This grabbed attention and encouraged our followers to share the content, exponentially increasing its reach and impact. The visual appeal, combined with the ease of sharing, significantly boosts the visibility of our earned media.

    Sahil Kakkar
    Sahil KakkarCEO & Founder, RankWatch

    Generate Micro-Content for Socials

    A strategy that has proven highly effective is creating micro-content from the original earned media to share across various social platforms. For instance, if we receive a favorable review or feature in a major publication, we'll extract key quotes, statistics, or outcomes and turn these into eye-catching graphics, short videos, or animated GIFs. This makes the content more digestible and shareable, encouraging more interactions and making it more likely to be seen by a broader audience. This approach not only helps in maintaining the freshness of the content but also caters to different audience preferences across platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

    Jason Hennessey
    Jason HennesseyCEO, Hennessey Digital

    Boost Earned Media with Influencer Engagement

    Using relationships with influencers is one strategy I have found quite successful for boosting earned media via social channels. For instance, when a reputable publication highlighted our business, I reached out to relevant influencers who had already engaged with our content.

    I urged them to share the piece with their followers and gave them special behind-the-scenes materials connected to it. Through this, I not only broadened the reach of the acquired media but also increased authenticity and credibility.

    I also made sure to actively participate in the comments and conversations that the influencers initiated. This kept the conversation going and drove more traffic back to our original media article. By carefully cultivating these influencer relationships and community involvement, I was able to greatly increase our earned media and build closer ties between influencers and our audience.

    Justin Crabbe
    Justin CrabbeCEO, BlackJet

    Amplify Through User-Generated Content

    One technique we've found effective for amplifying our earned media through social channels at Holiday Resort Unity is leveraging user-generated content (UGC). By encouraging our guests to share their experiences on social media and using a specific hashtag, we can gather authentic content that showcases our resort from the visitors' perspective.

    We then amplify this earned media by reposting the best UGC on our own social channels, tagging the original creators to give them credit. This not only boosts our visibility and engagement but also fosters a sense of community and trust among our audience. Additionally, we engage with these posts by commenting and sharing, which further increases their reach and amplifies our brand’s presence on social media.

    Jonathan Pickard
    Jonathan PickardHead of Marketing, Holiday Resort Unity

    Transform Sound Bites into Visual Assets

    As a seasoned entrepreneur in the financial space, I've seen the power of strategically amplifying earned media. One game-changing technique I've used is transforming sound bites from our earned media into visually arresting social media assets. We craft eye-catching infographics, quote cards, and short video clips encapsulating the most impactful messages. By leveraging the reach of social platforms, we've witnessed a dramatic surge in engagement, brand visibility, and website traffic, solidifying our reputation as a thought leader in the financial landscape.

    Chris Yang
    Chris YangCo-founder & CEO, Coins Value

    Cross-Platform Sharing Builds Authority

    We like to share our earned media with our email list, our Instagram, as well as our LinkedIn. Each platform has a unique tone and style, but this allows us to build our authority in the industry as well as share what we have to say.

    Paige Griffith
    Paige GriffithLawyer, The Legal Paige