What Are Strategies for Repurposing Content Across Marketing Channels?

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    What Are Strategies for Repurposing Content Across Marketing Channels?

    In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, we've gathered insights from Marketing Managers and CMOs on how to leverage content across various platforms. From maximizing SaaS campaign reach to mastering eight platform before repurposing, discover the diverse strategies used by eight industry professionals to amplify their marketing efforts.

    • Maximize SaaS Campaign Reach
    • White Paper Drives Multi-Channel Impact
    • Social Media Amplifies Content
    • Long-Form Video Yields Searchable Clips
    • E-Commerce Content Fuels Search and Leads
    • Livestream Becomes Multi-Platform Content
    • Strategic Launch Maximizes Solution Exposure
    • Master One Platform Before Repurposing

    Maximize SaaS Campaign Reach

    We recently launched a campaign for our SaaS business: E-commerce Growth Strategies. Here's how we executed it:

    1. In-Depth Article: We published a comprehensive article on one e-commerce growth hack on our website.

    2. Short Video: To promote the article, we created a short video and shared it on Instagram and YouTube, including a link to the blog post.

    3. Infographic: We designed an infographic summarizing the tips, used it as a lead magnet on our website, and shared it on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and relevant groups.

    4. Podcast: We collaborated with an e-commerce expert to discuss each tip in detail in a podcast episode.

    5. Newsletter Feature: We highlighted the blog post in our monthly newsletter.

    By covering our website, email, social media, video, and podcast channels, we were able to get maximum traffic on our website.

    Debarpita Sen
    Debarpita SenMarketing Manager, Saara Inc

    White Paper Drives Multi-Channel Impact

    A great example of repurposing content for maximum impact was a detailed white paper we created on academic writing trends. Initially, this white paper was designed as a lead magnet to capture email subscribers.

    To extend its reach, we repurposed the content across multiple channels. First, we broke down the white paper into a series of blog posts, each focusing on a specific trend or insight. These posts were optimized for SEO, driving organic traffic to our website.

    Next, we transformed key points from the white paper into visually engaging infographics. We shared these on our social media platforms, including Instagram and LinkedIn, generating significant engagement and shares.

    We also created a webinar based on the white paper’s content, inviting industry experts to discuss the trends in detail. This webinar not only attracted new leads but also positioned us as thought leaders in the academic writing space.

    Additionally, snippets and quotes from the white paper were used in our email marketing campaigns, providing valuable insights to our subscribers and encouraging them to download the full white paper.

    This multi-channel repurposing strategy maximized our content’s impact, driving traffic, engagement, and conversions across various platforms.

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediCMO, Write Right

    Social Media Amplifies Content

    When it comes to repurposing content, we regularly share our blogs, case studies, and guides across our multiple social media platforms in order to meet a new demographic, increase engagement, and keep our accounts active. We share our news with our followers through stories, reels, and posts, while also using trending hashtags and phrases to obtain views.

    Annie Everill
    Annie EverillDigital marketing executive, Imaginaire

    Long-Form Video Yields Searchable Clips

    One effective strategy I've employed for repurposing content is to start with long-form video content, such as a podcast, webinar, or lunch-and-learn session. These formats allow us to dive deep into a topic, providing comprehensive insights and engaging discussions. Once we have this rich content, we can then extract key segments and ideas to create shorter video clips that focus on specific, searchable topics.

    These shorter clips are perfect for sharing on platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn, where users often search for detailed information on particular subjects. By breaking down the long-form content into these focused segments, we can attract viewers who are interested in specific aspects of the broader discussion, thereby increasing our reach and engagement.

    Then, we take these shorter clips and distill them further into bite-sized, short-form video content. These could highlight impactful quotes, controversial opinions, or other elements designed to go viral. Platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and Twitter are ideal for these snippets, as they capture attention quickly and encourage sharing. This multi-tiered approach ensures that we maximize the impact of our original content, engaging our audience across various platforms and formats.

    Greg Davis
    Greg DavisFounder, Azola Creative

    E-Commerce Content Fuels Search and Leads

    While repurposing any of our important content pieces, the focus is always on the channel and the type of content that works on the channel.

    For example, we are an e-commerce agency that builds Magento extensions and Shopify apps.

    So, when the extension goes live with its product page, we observe the type of queries asked about the extension and write an in-depth how-to guide to capture the search traffic.

    Then, we create a video based on the same how-to query that is used in our blog posts or even the product page at times.

    This way, we first gain the search traffic and then leverage it to turn them into quality leads.

    Shivbhadrasinh Gohil
    Shivbhadrasinh GohilCMO & Co-founder, Meetanshi

    Livestream Becomes Multi-Platform Content

    I do a weekly livestream on my LinkedIn business page—it is usually 3–6 minutes long and talks about one aspect of my work. I then take the recording over to Rev.com and get it AI-transcribed. I clean up the transcription to become an article (usually 1.5 to 2 pages in length). The article then becomes my bi-weekly newsletter associated with my LinkedIn business page. The day after it is published, my assistant takes the newsletter article from LinkedIn and makes it a blog post on our company web page AND a newsletter to our CRM list using Constant Contact. EVENTUALLY, all of these newsletters will be put together to form a book on my topic.

    Nanette Miner
    Nanette MinerManaging Consultant, The Training Doctor, LLC

    Strategic Launch Maximizes Solution Exposure

    Here's a prime example of smart content repurposing at one organization when we launched a cutting-edge solution:

    - Webinar: Hosted a live webinar to introduce the solution, later made available on-demand.

    - Blog Series: Created a series of posts covering various facets of the solution, shared on the website and social media.

    - Infographics and Datasheets: Highlighted key features and benefits through infographics and datasheets, used in social media and sales materials.

    - Social Media Snippets: Shared brief video snippets and key quotes from the webinar across social media over several weeks.

    - Email Campaigns: Used content from the webinar and blogs to craft targeted email campaigns, driving traffic to the website and on-demand webinar.

    - Press Release and Analyst Relations: Issued a press release and engaged with industry analysts for coverage and reviews.

    - Case Study: Developed a detailed case study featuring an early adopter for sales pitches and industry events.

    By repurposing content across these channels, the organization maximized reach and engagement, generated leads, established thought leadership, and ensured a cohesive and impactful product launch.

    Sanket Wagh
    Sanket WaghSr. Marketing Manager, Sequretek

    Master One Platform Before Repurposing

    Many content creators are told that repurposing content should be easy! And while it can be, I actually recommend focusing on one platform to learn the ins and outs of it first (hear me out).

    Initially, I think what blocks creators and brands from starting is thinking they need to be on all platforms. And that simply isn’t true!

    Once you’ve learned everything you need to learn about one platform, you’ll be able to expand onto the next one. Here’s the kicker — the best type of content repurposing will come when you know each platform you’re repurposing on.

    Now that you know at least two platforms inside and out, you’ll know exactly how to repurpose content across platforms and not make it feel like you are.

    For example, I took months to understand YouTube before posting on my channel. Then, I started wrapping my head around Instagram and how I could create value through it. I realized that while videos are great for Instagram, my video repurposed into a carousel would actually be able to offer more value to my audience — and it was one of the higher-performing content pieces I created!

    The best part? It didn't feel repurposed, but used the same content in a fresh approach and perspective.

    Kira Violet
    Kira VioletContent Creator, Musician, Violet Gaze