How Have You Used Data or Analytics to Inform Your Earned Media Strategy?

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    How Have You Used Data or Analytics to Inform Your Earned Media Strategy?

    In the dynamic world of earned media, five seasoned professionals, including a Business Development Manager and a Data Analyst, share their unique experiences. From optimizing influencer selection using sentiment analysis to employing global market strategies with data-driven insights, discover how these experts use data to shape their earned media strategies and the impactful results they've achieved.

    • Optimize Influencer Selection via Sentiment Analysis
    • Leverage Negative Feedback for Media Wins
    • Address Sustainability Concerns Through Media
    • Craft Content with Emotional Resonance
    • Global Market Strategy with Data-Driven Insights

    Optimize Influencer Selection via Sentiment Analysis

    I enhanced our earned-media strategy using data analytics and sentiment analysis from social listening. We collected social media data to gauge conversations about our brand and competitors, employing natural-language processing to identify key sentiments and themes. This insight allowed us to effectively select influencers who aligned with our brand values, optimizing our content strategy and outreach efforts.

    Mohammed Kamal
    Mohammed KamalBusiness Development Manager, Olavivo

    Leverage Negative Feedback for Media Wins

    I once used a sentiment analysis tool to scan the comment sections of our competitor's most successful social media posts, but instead of focusing on the positive comments, I zeroed in on the negative ones. I categorized these complaints and frustrations, then cross-referenced them with the topics and angles our PR team had traditionally pitched. The insight was clear: There was an untapped opportunity to address these specific pain points in our media outreach.

    We quickly developed content and pitch angles that directly responded to these common criticisms, positioning our brand as the solution to the problems that other industry players were neglecting.

    The outcome? We saw a 40% increase in media coverage over the next quarter, with several outlets highlighting our brand as the industry leader in customer satisfaction. It turned out that by listening to what the market disliked about our competition, we were able to craft a more compelling and timely media narrative for our own brand.

    Austin Benton
    Austin BentonMarketing Consultant, Gotham Motivational Speakers

    Address Sustainability Concerns Through Media

    We use sentiment analysis to identify emerging trends and crisis points within earned media. We noticed that people were increasingly worried about how sustainable our products are. This insight nudged us to create a comprehensive plan to make our brand more environmentally friendly. We actively addressed this issue, positioned ourselves as industry leaders, and became known for our commitment to the environment. This helped improve our reputation and got us good media attention. By watching what the media said about us, we could see what was going well and what we needed to work on, and adjust our plans accordingly.

    Faizan Khan
    Faizan KhanPublic Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy Australia

    Craft Content with Emotional Resonance

    At RecurPost, we took a creative approach to our earned media strategy by combining sentiment analysis with competitive benchmarking. We analyzed thousands of social media mentions, customer reviews, and industry articles to identify not just the volume of chatter, but the emotional tone behind the conversations. By mapping these sentiments against our competitors, we identified specific content gaps where positive sentiment was low or neutral. This allowed us to craft stories and pitches that filled those gaps, resonating with both our audience and the media.

    The impact was profound. Our targeted outreach led to several high-profile media features in publications that had previously overlooked us. More importantly, these features had a higher engagement rate and drove a 25% increase in referral traffic to our website. By focusing on the emotional resonance of our content, we were able to elevate our brand perception and drive meaningful results in our media efforts.

    Dinesh Agarwal
    Dinesh AgarwalFounder, CEO, RecurPost

    Global Market Strategy with Data-Driven Insights

    For a US-based international provider of critical fire safety equipment, we enhanced their global market strategy using data-driven insights. Implementing a one-to-many approach, we launched top-of-funnel paid search campaigns across multiple international markets simultaneously. By analyzing keyword data and key performance indicators, we identified the most promising markets for our client's high-quality, life-safety products. We then prioritized these high-performing regions for increased budget allocation and more focused paid search efforts.

    Our data-informed strategy included a unique ratio comparing click-through rates against conversion rates, indicating market readiness for bottom-of-funnel campaigns. This analytics-guided approach allowed us to optimize budget allocation and messaging across diverse regions, effectively balancing brand awareness and lead generation goals while emphasizing our client's commitment to exceptional quality and customer value in fire protection systems.

    Nik Glanz
    Nik GlanzData Analyst, goBRANDgo!